's time to develop a plan!!
After months of looking out our windows to see nothing but white, brown and green... we are going to be hungry for COLOR!!!!! Our landscape plan starts with the potting shed. This special garden is shaded until late afternoon. Annuals that require a sunny exposure have not been happily planted in this location. Time for a change. Another important choice? Color!!! The faded red boards on this little building beg for complementary colors. Vibrant oranges, fuschia pinks and a neon shade of violet will bring this garden to life! it's finally time to choose the proper plants. This garden is already planted in perennials that bloom in their time... but a boost of annual color is going to bring this garden to life!! We know the answer!!
Sun tolerant varieties of Impatiens! Sunbelt Bright Pink, Candy Orange and Candy Violet. These little beauties promise to provide quite a show for our summer visitors!!!!
Very nice. Spring continues to tease us. Warm one day then back to cold the next. I have been trying to get the most use out of my flowers this year. I want to plant flowers that I can enjoy in season but that I can hang and dry on my clothes drying rack. I would like to make some dried arrangements for gifts this holiday season. Any suggestions for a beginner flower dryer to start with?